Kaelsis Quinn

Kaelsis is a Seven and a primary villian in the stories surrounding Deystrum. He has the following abilities:  
  1. Immortality - powered by daylight
  2. Heightened Reflexes
  3. Stoneskin
  4. Heroic leap
  5. Geomancy
  6. Magical Boost
  7. Shapeshifting: Tan Thykal with ??
  Kaelsis comes off as a smooth and causual character, but has a short fuse. While not in the public eye, he will often look down on and treat Zeros poorly. He was a high ranking official in the monarchy and named next-in-line if something were to happen the King and his family. Therefore, In a partially successful coup attempt, he murdered his best friend Udeysiir Stormcell, the King. He plotted to kill his son Atiniir too but failed to do so when Leora helped Atiniir escape.   The general public does not know of Kaelsis' betrayal and Kaelsis spreads lies about the event, frames an innocent family for the death "of the Beloved King", and has them hanged. The family had previously publicly opposed Udey's decisions, although they were never violent. This made the lie more believable to the general public.   After some time of searching for Atiniir, Kaelsis pushes for coronation and is crowned the new King of Shylo.  


Kaelsis is immortal, so has near-peak physical health. He has numerous scars and malformities on his chest and pelvic regions, which he keeps concealed.      
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Being an evil King
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
2 Duplus, 1168
Year of Birth
1168 296 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unexpected death of a Seven during the Battle for Hightower
Brown, normal
Black, short, groomed hair and beard.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, Darker complexion, some minor scaring on face
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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