
This ability will always be present on a seven, and very rarely be present on a six. Although the ability exists early in the magical person’s life, its effects aren’t fully seen until the age 28. After the immortal turns 28 they stop aging while the passive ability remains charged. The ability is charged automatically by select few different options, seen below. The most popular are daylight and moonlight. Technically this means one could stay inside for too long and start to age, however walking outside in the sun would reverse this effect exponentially. This format of immortality also protects natural illness and most poisons. Immortality however does not mean invulnerable – immortal people can still be killed permanently.   Options for recharge
  • Daylight - Sunshine on the person. 1 hour equates to 1 month life charge.
  • Moonlight/Starlight - Starlight or moonlight on the person. 1 hour equates to 1 month life charge.
  • Eating meat - Eating meat (cooked or otherwise) recharges. One average steak equates to 3 months life-charge.
  • Eating vegetables - Eating vegetables (cooked or otherwise) recharges. One large potato equates to 3 months of life-charge.
  Note: Eating fruit is not an option, and either of the eating options means the individual doesn't defecate as much. :)