Khadstar (CAD-staar)

Deystrum's star city

General description

Khadstar is the capital city of the Shylo continent, and home of the reigning monarch. The city was formed long before writting and historians, so its actual founding date is unknown. It is presumed to be named after one of the earliest known magical greats, Khadis, ("Kay-dis"). It is home to Revolu's Palace, a grand castle and residental palace of the King and his immediate family & government. Although it has seen it's share of various kings and queens, battles and conflicts, plagues and natural disasters, the city has remained relatively intact. This has been the case for so long that most rulers, regardless of their alignment, recognize it as the "city that must be preserved."

The streets are paved with cobble, ample vegetation amongst the city blocks, fountains and parks, and massive encasing walls. The outer walls themselves are one of a kind - they span upwards of 20 feet thick, and tower up to 50 feet tall. The city's beauty is only rivaled by Shylo's resort town, Normstay.


Due to its urban nature, it is the primary ethnic source of Urblons. Roughly 75% of the population has some Urblon ancestry, and about 40% are considered mostly Urblon. The remaining 60% is a mixture of all known human variants, with Urblon being a common demoninator.


The government is primarily a Monarcy/Dictatorship, ruled by a King.   On occassion, benevelont Kings have caused the government to sway more democratic, although the Kings and Queens have never truly lost the ultimate authoritative position.

Locations & Lankmarks

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Star city
Around 100,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank