In the shadowed streets of Nagoya, where the delicate balance of power between rival clans teeters on the edge of chaos, Akiko Hanabira finds herself trapped between duty, fear, and a relentless desire to reclaim her autonomy. As the daughter of a powerful...
Trigger Warnings:
-- Violence
-- Suggestive Situations
-- Vulgar Language
Beneath the neon glow of Nagoya’s restless streets, the shadows tell a story of loyalty, betrayal, and survival.
Takagi Tetsunori, a calm and disciplined enforcer for the Nagasawa-kai,...
An ex-gangster. A mysterious old woman. A mythological world of magic and danger hiding behind everyday life.
Fresh out of jail, Umeji Tatsuya seeks redemption in a small town, far from his Yakuza ties. He’s barely moved in when the town’s feisty dowager,...
Why did Tatsuya join the mob? How did he meet his mob big brother?
I hope you enjoy the glance into my main character's past.
1.7K words, average reading time ~ 10 min (at 200 wpm)
PG. Death of main character's father, abandonment.