Uhtred, son of the Orc Warchief, has always felt like an outsider in his own clan. Lacking the combat prowess expected of him, he struggles to find his place among his fierce and battle-hardened people. Across the border, Andira, the gentle and idealistic...
In the captivating yet tumultuous realm of Gaia, where magic permeates the very fabric of life, a sinister undercurrent of corruption lurks beneath the surface. Amidst this enchanting world, K.J. Sharpe, a commoner and courier who grapples with partial deafness,...
Chloe is an 18-year-old virgin, and she lives in a world that is more sexually liberated and more advanced than our world, Earth Sol; she lives on another Earth known as Erosia as it is much more advanced than our world, where they have much better AI, simulation...