Atiniir is born

Life, Birth


Atiniir Stormcell is born to Thimoteo and Evelyn Stormcell. Evelyn, also a Seven, died unexpectedly giving childbirth.

Thimoteo had a long-standing friend, Delvar, who was suffering from Immortal Depression that offered his life as a gift to Thimoteo so that his first born child would be magical. Thus, Evelyn's pregnancy was kept a secret so that other expecting families could not try to seize the opportunity.   However, with the unexpected death of Evelyn during childbirth, it's unclear if Evelyn's magical power was transfered to Atiniir or if it was truly Delvar. Either way, Jerome Curtis was born at nearly the same time in the outskirts of Khadstar to an unknown women, who then quickly abandoned him at a nearby orphanage - presumably because of fears that he might be magical.   As you might imagine, two back to back Sky Ruptures was incredibly shocking and surprising to the populace.

Related Location
Revolu's Palace
Related timelines & articles
History of Deystrum