Magical Shield

A medium range ability that forms a magical barrier around a living target. The barrier acts with refusal logic, meaning that it will only disallow harmful action or intent. Therefore, it does not block neutral or positive crossings such as air, friendly engagement (high fives), etc. It will block poisonous clouds, magical abilities, and physical damage. This effectively makes the target immune to ALL harmful effects for a duration or until enough damage is done that the shield is overwhelmed. The intensity in which the ability is cast is directly proportional to the amount of damage the shield can withstand before dispersing. Mastery of the ability allows the shield to last longer and be more durable. The caster of the ability does not have to channel the ability, but they cannot cast it on a target that already has a shield. The cast itself expends energy at the rate of lifting the equivalent of lifting a heavy weight – eventually the caster will feel burn and rest before casting again.